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Name Unit Rank Expiration
Minenna, Melissa
176th Air Defense Squadron MSgt Auto-Renewing
Leamy, Christian
176th Air Defense Squadron MSgt Lifetime
Hofmann, Michael
176th Security Forces Squadron MSgt Auto-Renewing
Leach, Arnold
176th Air Defense Squadron MSgt Lifetime
Lamphere, Michael
176th Air Defense Squadron MSgt Auto-Renewing
McDonnell, Shane
176th Air Defense Squadron MSgt Lifetime
Thomas, Michael
Air JFHQ Staff MSgt Auto-Renewing
Kline, Isabella
1-297th Infantry Battalion PFC Lifetime
Dellabalma, Jeremy
207th Multi-Function Training Regiment PFC Lifetime
Baker, Elijah
1-207th Aviation Battalion PFC Lifetime
AKNG Retirees SFC Lifetime
Nobles, John
HHC 38th Troop Command SFC Lifetime
Nydam, Cory
JFHQ-AK Staff SFC Lifetime
Gulley, David
1-207th Aviation Battalion SFC Lifetime
Beronilla, Elejah Rose
HHC 38th Troop Command SFC Lifetime
Damato, Jeffery
207th Multi-Function Training Regiment SFC Lifetime
Pfeiffer, Andrew
AKNG Retirees SFC Lifetime
Burns, Albert
HHC 38th Troop Command SFC Lifetime
Ventura, Ernesto
AKARNG Recruiting and Retention Battalion SFC Lifetime
Willett, Kenneth
SFC Lifetime
Howard, Dave
1-297th Infantry Battalion SFC Lifetime
Maxwell, Jeremiah
AKNG Retirees SFC Lifetime
Zeffery, William
207th Multi-Function Training Regiment SFC Lifetime
Carlson III, Jack
AKARNG Recruiting and Retention Battalion SFC Lifetime
Fillman, Christopher
AKNG Retirees SFC Lifetime

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