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Name Unit Rank Expiration
Beene, Larry
AKNG Retirees SSG Lifetime
Gaither, Chantz
1-207th Aviation Battalion SSG Auto-Renewing
Detweiler, Mr. James
HHC 38th Troop Command SSG Lifetime
Wilbanks, Paul
AKARNG Recruiting and Retention Battalion SSG Auto-Renewing
Duffin, Holt
AKNG Retirees SSG Lifetime
byrd, aaron
1-297th Infantry Battalion SSG Lifetime
Hall, Travis
49th Missile Defense Battalion SSG Lifetime
Carstens, Josef
49th Missile Defense Battalion SSG Lifetime
Medero Rivera, Josue
49th Missile Defense Battalion SSG Lifetime
Melecio Vazquez, Miguel
49th Missile Defense Battalion SSG Lifetime
edgeworth, kenneth
49th Missile Defense Battalion SSG Lifetime
Wolf, Benjamin
49th Missile Defense Battalion SSG Lifetime
Mercado Santiago, Jose
SSG Lifetime
Mclachlan, Kelly
SSG Lifetime
Mazos-Vega, Katie
HHC 297th Regional Support Group SSG Auto-Renewing
Collum, Damian
1-297th Infantry Battalion SSG Lifetime
Espejo, Renato
1-297th Infantry Battalion SSG Lifetime
Colonramirez, Hector
49th Missile Defense Battalion SSG Auto-Renewing
Young, Ben
1-297th Infantry Battalion SSG Lifetime
Queenie, Sharon
176th Air Defense Squadron SSG Auto-Renewing
St.Germain, Joseph
103rd Civil Support Team-Army Guard SSG Lifetime
Velazquez Alvarez, Nitza
JFHQ-AK Staff SSG Lifetime
Percy, Heather
AKNG Retirees SSG Lifetime
HHC 297th Regional Support Group SSG Auto-Renewing
Ward, Alexis
1-297th Infantry Battalion SSG Auto-Renewing

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