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Name Unit Rank Expiration
Bramer, Terry
JFHQ-AK Staff SGT Lifetime
Brooks, Asia
176th Air Defense Squadron A1C Auto-Renewing
Brunsberg, Tran
AKNG Retirees CMSgt Lifetime
Burdick, Paul
176th Air Defense Squadron SSgt Lifetime
Burns, Albert
HHC 38th Troop Command SFC Lifetime
Butcher, Michael
49th Missile Defense Battalion SPC Lifetime
Butler, Felicia
49th Missile Defense Battalion SGT Lifetime
Butman, Brandy
MSgt Lifetime
Butman, Darick
AKNG Retirees SMSgt Lifetime
byrd, aaron
1-297th Infantry Battalion SSG Lifetime
Calloway, Leon
49th Missile Defense Battalion SGT Lifetime
Air JFHQ Staff CMSgt Lifetime
Campbell, Vanessa
MSgt Lifetime
Carlson III, Jack
AKARNG Recruiting and Retention Battalion SFC Lifetime
Carson, Robert
49th Missile Defense Battalion CSM Lifetime
Carstens, Josef
49th Missile Defense Battalion SSG Lifetime
Carte, Robert
AKNG Retirees CMSgt Lifetime
Celia, Anthony
176th Security Forces Squadron SSgt Lifetime
Cha, Jonathan
176th Wing Staff TSgt Lifetime
Chausse, Lina
JFHQ-AK Staff SFC Lifetime
Cherry, Alison
212th Rescue Squadron MSG Lifetime
Chester, Eric
176th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron CSM Lifetime
AKNG Retirees CSM Lifetime
Christensen, Christopher
Air JFHQ Staff TSgt Lifetime
Christensen, Jeremy
49th Missile Defense Battalion CSM Lifetime

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