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Name Unit Rank Expiration
Trejo, Jaime
1-297th Infantry Battalion SGT Lifetime
Turney, Brenden
176th Civil Engineer Squadron SSgt Auto-Renewing
TSgt Lifetime
176th Logistics Readiness Squadron SMSgt Lifetime
Velasco, Mark
AKNG Prior Service SGT Auto-Renewing
Velazquez, Leocadio
49th Missile Defense Battalion SGT Lifetime
Velazquez Alvarez, Nitza
JFHQ-AK Staff SSG Lifetime
Ventura, Ernesto
AKARNG Recruiting and Retention Battalion SFC Lifetime
Vickery II, William
176th Air Defense Squadron TSgt Lifetime
SMSgt Lifetime
Wachel, Michael
176th Air Defense Squadron TSgt Lifetime
Wake, Joedy
176th Air Defense Squadron SMSgt Lifetime
Ward, Alexis
1-297th Infantry Battalion SSG Auto-Renewing
Watkins, Christopher
TSgt Auto-Renewing
Watson, Nicholas
49th Missile Defense Battalion SPC Lifetime
Welch, Tanner
1-297th Infantry Battalion SGT Lifetime
Westman, Andrea
176th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron MSgt Auto-Renewing
Westman, Jeremiah
176th Maintenance Squadron SMSgt Lifetime
White, Ryan
297th Military Police Company SPC Lifetime
White, Silvia
TSgt Auto-Renewing
Whitehead, Justin
HHC 38th Troop Command SGT Lifetime
Wier, Garrett
176th Wing Staff TSgt Auto-Renewing
Wilbanks, Paul
AKARNG Recruiting and Retention Battalion SSG Auto-Renewing
Willett, Kenneth
SFC Lifetime
176th Air Defense Squadron MSgt Auto-Renewing

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