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Name Unit Rank Expiration
Beronilla, Elejah Rose
HHC 38th Troop Command SFC Lifetime
Stone, Timothy
249th Airlift Squadron SMSgt Lifetime
Conrad, Jacob
176th Air Defense Squadron SrA Lifetime
Schaefers, Delmar
AKNG Retirees CMSgt Lifetime
Nagel, Lucy
MSgt Auto-Renewing
Peguero, Junnale
176th Wing Staff TSgt Lifetime
Manson, Michael
JFHQ-AK Staff MSG Auto-Renewing
Nelson, Paul
AKNG Retirees CMSgt Lifetime
Hankins, Benjamin
1-297th Infantry Battalion 1SG Lifetime
Smith, Jonathan
MSgt Lifetime
alexakis, chris
176th Air Defense Squadron SrA Lifetime
Brooks, Asia
176th Air Defense Squadron A1C Auto-Renewing
Burns, Albert
HHC 38th Troop Command SFC Lifetime
Meyer, Jonathan
49th Missile Defense Battalion 1SG Lifetime
Pfeiffer, Andrew
AKNG Retirees SFC Lifetime
Masterman, Robert
AKARNG Recruiting and Retention Battalion MSG Lifetime
Damato, Jeffery
207th Multi-Function Training Regiment SFC Lifetime
Lawson, Eleonore
Boyer, Ryan
CMSgt Lifetime
Phlegar, John
HHC 38th Troop Command CSM Lifetime
Velasco, Mark
AKNG Prior Service SGT Auto-Renewing
Stull, Curtis
JFHQ-AK Staff SGM Lifetime
SMSgt Lifetime
Fujimoto, Colleen
AKNG Retirees MSgt Lifetime
Naval, Kyle
176th Air Defense Squadron SSgt Auto-Renewing

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